Marriages are celebrated with the rites and rituals that are accustomed to your religion and are finalized with the affirmation of your vows, to adhere to your promises and stand by your partner through thick and thin. The traditional way of performing a marriage ceremony is unique to all religions, but what differentiates Muslim marriages apart from the rest, is the frustration of perceiving the ideal bride, considering the fact that only until a few years ago arranged marriages were the only practices that were recognized as a binding of respect and significance.
Influenced by the west, many Muslims resort to online dating sites as a median of finding true love and at the same time abide by the rules that have been passed down from generations. The concept of getting to know your match online works similarly to arrange marriages, with the only difference being that with online dating sites you're exposed to a higher number of prospects, which is a great opportunity to expand your search locally or globally, while keeping your parents and loved ones in the loop.
Many followers of Islam are still hesitant about the acceptance of these kinds of marriages in their faith and to clarify; the only concept that is deceiving to the Muslim faith is casual dating and by using Muslim matrimonial sites, you are simply viewing profiles in order to narrow down your search for the perfect mate. Muslim matrimonial sites are inclined towards their religion and the anonymity is such that all your personal details will remain with you and whom you choose to share them with. In this way you can ensure that there is no-one prying on you without your consent.
Unlike other matrimonial sites, Muslim online sites allow you to search for singles based on criteria such as a person who practices their faith 5 times a day or the categories they belong to i.e. Niqab, Hijab etc. The other misconception about searching for a mate online is the dilemma of misrepresentation and people who act fraudulently to make their profiles seem more appealing. There may be times where you may encounter specimens of this type, but is common to practically everything we do in this day and age. In the end you need to understand that most of these Muslims are out to meet eligible singles and those who share a common stream and your approval is essential to seal the end result.
Time is of the essence with anything we do and with the help of online matrimonial sites you do not have to travel with your entire family for miles to meet an individual and realistically not all prospects live in your neighbourhood, which may not be the most cost efficient strategy. The first criteria for Muslim matrimonial sites is that you belong to the same faith, which eradicates any surprises from the start and makes sure that the path you've chosen to find your mate is confined to your religion.
The rate of divorce in our modern society is well over 50% and getting to know someone, while abiding by the terms of your religion is definitely a great way to secure a blissful future.
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